Course Overview

  • Synopsis

    This course is a great primer to learn and study the key rulings in accordance to the Shafi school of law.

  • Aims

    This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Shafi rulings proofs in matters of fundamentals of Faith and Sacred Law, purification, prayer, funeral, Zakat and fasting.

  • Entry Requirements

    This course is intended for students with either no prior knowledge or a basic understanding of Shafi Fiqh.

Course Structure

Study Mode Online
Course Duration One Year (30 Lessons)
Cost Free 
Instructor Ustadh Hamza Al-Hatimy
Textbook Safīnat al-najā' (Link)

This one year course (30 recorded lessons) provides a unique opportunity to study this traditional text written by Salim ibn 'Abdullah ibn Sa'd ibn Samir al-Hadrami al-Shafi'I (d. 1069AH) in depth. It is among the early texts read in Yemen, Somalia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other teaching centres around the world influenced by Ḥaḍramaut’s curriculum.

This course aim to provide students a deep and comprehensive understanding on matters relating to foundational beliefs. It then covers common and frequent acts of worship, including purification, prayer, funerals, zakat, and fasting according to the Shafi madhab.

About the Text

Safīnat al-najā'

 This book present’s Shaykh Salim bin ‘Abd Allah bin Sumayr al-Hadrami al-Shafi’i's Safinat al-naja'. His text, presented here in both the original Arabic and a contemporary translation, introduces fundamental beliefs and obligations. It is among the early texts read in Yemen, Somalia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other teaching centres around the world influenced by Hadramaut’s curriculum. The book begins with a presentation of foundational beliefs. It then covers common and frequent acts of worship, including purification, prayer, funerals, zakat, and fasting.

Learning Outcomes

Learn traditional Islamic knowledge in a thorough, practical and transforming way

  • Understand the detailed rulings of purification and prayer

  • Appreciate the rigor of the science of Sacred Law (fiqh)

  • Gain an introduction to the legal reasoning underlying the legal rulings

  • Gain a grounding in the method and application of the Shafi school

Course Fees

Our courses are free!

(Minimum £10 to cover admin fees)

Join our mission to keep them free and become a means for sacred knowledge to be readily accessible, professionally delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community - globally!  

Become a supporter by donating as little as £10pm - together we can make it happen inshā'aAllāh.

  • £10.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £10 monthly

  • £15.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £15 monthly

  • £20.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £20 monthly

  • £10.00

    FREE (Pay Admin Fee Only)


Ustadh Hamza Habib Al-Hatimy

Senior Instructor

Ustadh Hamza grew up in Kenya, where he began his Islamic Studies. He came to the UK at the age of 14 and started teaching Quran and other Islamic sciences. Having graduated with BSc in Civil Engineering, he then completed his postgraduate studies on Structural design. After that he travelled to Jordan to further his Arabic and Islamic learning. He obtained an Ijazah of Quran in the narration of Hafs from `asim. He then travelled to Egypt whilst studying at Ebrahim College to further his studies in Quran and has obtained ijazah for all the 10 Qira'aat (modes of recitation). He has currently graduated with a masters in Islamic Studies from SOAS University.
Ustadh Hamza Habib Al-Hatimy


Amer Nazri | Animation Director


❝ The classes at Lote Tree are wholesome as it is inspiring, and whether it is fiqh, seerah or tasawwuf, you leave the sessions nourished spritually and intellectually, and eager to learn more. ❞

Kamran Ahmed | Finance Director


❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team. ❞


  • How long is this course?

    This course is based on 30 lessons. Each lesson is approximately 1 hour long.

  • What do I need to access this course?

    All you need is a reliable internet connection and access to a personal computer, tablet or phone – our online courses are responsive and designed to work across all platforms. We also recommend that you study the courses somewhere quiet so that you can concentrate and get the most out of the rich, helpful information they contain.

  • Do I require additional resources?

    You may want to purchase the textbook in order to follow the Arabic.

  • Will I get a qualification or ijazah?

    If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

  • I'm not in the UK, does that matter?

    No, absolutely not – in fact that’s one of the main reasons we developed our online courses, so that more people from around the world could benefit from our training.

  • I'm having trouble logging in, what can I do?

    If you are having problems logging in, it may be that you need to delete your browser cookies and/or empty your cache. If you’re still having trouble after having done that, then please contact us.