Course Structure
Study Mode | Online |
Course Duration | 8 Lessons |
Start Date | 8 January 2025 |
End Date | 26 February 2025 |
Day | Wednesdays |
Time | 6-7pm (UK) |
Cost | Free |
Instructor | Ustadh Dr Karim Gábor Kocsenda |
Textbook | Al-Waraqāt' by Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī |
All lesson recordings available on-demand!
Topics Covered
Lesson 1 |
Uṣūl al-Fiqh Definition & Aḥkām (Islamic Legal Rulings) |
Lesson 2 | Types of Speech and Their Usage in the Qurʾān and Sunna |
Lesson 3 | Literal and Figurative Meaning, Command and Prohibition |
Lesson 4 | General and Specific Utterances, Summarised and Elaborated Speech |
Lesson 5 | The Prophet’s ﷺ Actions (Afʿāl) |
Lesson 6 |
Abrogation (Naskh) & Methods of Interpretation |
Lesson 7 | Consensus (Ijmāʿ), Reports (Akhbār), and Analogy (Qiyās) |
Lesson 8 | Prioritising Evidences & Legal Reasoning (Ijtihād) |
About the Text
Kitāb al‑Waraqāt fī Uṣūl al‑Fiqh | Imām al‑Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī
The course content is based on Imām al‑Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī's classical text Kitāb al‑Waraqāt fī Uṣūl al‑Fiqh.
Al Waraqāt is a renowned Islamic classical text on the subject of Uṣūl al‑Fiqh. It paves the way for a foundational education on the sources of Islamic Law and the procedures by which the law is derived from the source.
It is called Waraqāt because it is concise, with the Arabic text (matn) fitting on roughly five pages. It is part of a series of Islamic classical texts, known as summarised works mukhtasarat, that are considered essential study for every serious seeker of Islamic Knowledge who wants to follow the methodology laid out by the scholars of Islam to facilitate the acquisition of beneficial knowledge.
Imam Dhia' ul-Dīn 'Abd al-Malik ibn Yūsuf al-Juwaynī al-Shafi'ī (419–478 AH) was a Persian Sunni scholar famous for being the foremost leading jurisconsult, legal theoretician and Islamic theologian of his time. His name is commonly abbreviated as al-Juwayni; he is also commonly referred to as Imam al-Haramayn meaning "leading master of the two holy cities", that is, Mecca and Medina. He acquired the status of a mujtahid in the field of fiqh and usul al-fiqh.
Highly celebrated as one of the most important and influential thinkers in the Shafi'i school of orthodox Sunni jurisprudence, he was considered as the virtual second founder of the Shafi'i school. He was also considered a major figurehead within the Ash'ari school of theology where he was ranked equal to the founder, Imam al-Ash'ari. He was given the honorific titles of Shaykh of Islam, The Glory of Islam, The Absolute Imam of all Imams.
Learning Outcomes
Learn traditional Islamic knowledge in a thorough, practical and transforming way
Identify and explain the primary sources of legislation in Islam.
Analyse the principles and methods used to derive laws from Islamic sources.
Apply principles of Islamic legal theory (Uṣūl al-Fiqh) to interpret and understand Islamic texts.
Evaluate the qualifications and conditions required of scholars to derive Islamic rulings.
Compare the methodologies of various Islamic schools of law in deriving rulings and their connection to Islamic beliefs (ʿAqīda).
Course Fees
Our courses are free!
(Only *£10 to cover admin fees)
*The inclusion of the small nominal admin fee helps us to counter bots and spam.
Join our mission to keep them free and become a means for sacred knowledge to be readily accessible, professionally delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community - globally!
Become a supporter by donating as little as £10pm - together we can make it happen inshā'aAllāh.
Ustadh Dr Karim Gábor Kocsenda
Senior Instructor


Amer Nazri | Animation Director

Kamran Ahmed | Finance Director
How long is this course?
This course is based on 8 lessons. Students can join any time and access all previous lessons.
What do I need to access this course?
All you need is a reliable internet connection and access to a personal computer, tablet or phone – our online courses are responsive and designed to work across all platforms. We also recommend that you study the courses somewhere quiet so that you can concentrate and get the most out of the rich, helpful information they contain.
Do I require additional resources?
Will there be recording available if I miss a class?
Yes. Recordings of each lesson will be uploaded within 48 hours. All recordings will remain accessible for the academic year.
Will I get a qualification or ijazah?
If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.
I'm not in the UK, does that matter?
No, absolutely not – in fact that’s one of the main reasons we developed our online courses, so that more people from around the world could benefit from our training.
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If you are having problems logging in, it may be that you need to delete your browser cookies and/or empty your cache. If you’re still having trouble after having done that, then please contact us.