Course Overview

  • Synopsis

    Explore the heritage of Prophetic grappling and Islamic sports. Uncover the historical narrative, spiritual revelations and the timeless wisdom of traditional martial arts, guided by the luminous example of the Prophet ﷺ and the early Muslims.

  • Aims

    The course will introduce you to Islamic martial arts through the lens of the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ teachings. Learn practical skills rooted in the prophetic way while cultivating spiritual growth and ethical conduct.

  • Entry Requirements

    This course is intended for all students of knowledge.

Course Structure

Study Mode Online
Course Duration 5 Lessons
Cost Free 
Instructor Ustadh Nisar Shaikh
In-house resources will be shared

All lesson recordings available on-demand!

This 5 lesson course will provide a unique opportunity to learn about Prophetic tradition of grappling and Islamic sports. They have deep roots in the heritage of Islam, reflecting the holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself emphasised the importance of physical fitness and encouraged activities such as wrestling, horseback riding, archery, and swimming among his companions. These activities were not only forms of recreation but also served as training for self-defense and preparation for battle.

Topics Covered

Introduction - The Objectives of the Sports of the Messenger ﷺ'
Definition of Sport
Sports of the Messenger ﷺ
Turn to the Way of of the Messenger ﷺ
Epistemology - The Limits of Human Understanding
Prophetic Grappling - Book Overview
Martial Arts, Masculinity & Muhammad ﷺ - Article Overview
PG Book Reviewers - Scholarly feedback
Noble Authorities
Sports of the Messenger ﷺ - Cursory Glance
Logic - Critical Thinking in the Modern World
Revival of a Lost Art
Grappling Definition
In Arabia at the time of the Prophet ﷺ
Martial Warriors amongst the Companions (ra) - Specifically "Wrestling", "Women Warriors", & "Appointed Bodyguards"
Objectives of Sport in Islam - Military function, Social & Communal Recreation, Skilful Mastery, Refreshment of Self & Self Defence
Outward Manifestation of an Inward Reality
The Physical & Its Effect on the Spiritual - "Refinement of Character"
Refinement of Self - Replace vice with Virtue
Societal - Role of the Masaajid
Loneliness & Mental Health
Spirituality through Sports – Closeness through Combat
Martial solutions to Modern Problems

Learning Outcomes

Learn traditional Islamic knowledge in a thorough, practical and transforming way

  • Understand the historical significance of Islamic martial arts, tracing their origins from the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to present-day practice.

  • Explore the integration of physical training with spiritual development, emphasising discipline, self-control, and humility.

  • Acquire practical skills in grappling, strikes, and defense techniques to improve physical fitness and self-defense capabilities.

  • Appreciate the cultural diversity within Islamic martial arts and its role in fostering global connections and unity among practitioners.

Course Fees

Our courses are free!

(Only *£10 to cover admin fees) 

*The inclusion of the small nominal admin fee helps us to counter bots and spam.

Join our mission to keep them free and become a means for sacred knowledge to be readily accessible, professionally delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community - globally!

Become a supporter by donating as little as £10pm - together we can make it happen inshā'aAllāh.

  • £10.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £10 monthly

  • £20.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £20 monthly

  • £15.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £15 monthly

  • £10.00

    FREE (Pay Admin Fee Only)


Ustadh Nisar Shaikh

Senior Instructor

Ustadh Nisar Shaikh is an avid grappler having trained extensively in Jiu-jitsu and cross trained in freestyle and Greco-Roman style Wrestling, Judo and Sambo. He holds a 3rd degree Black Belt in Jiu-jitsu under the Carlson Gracie Team London. His passion for the grappling arts has taken him abroad, seeking out instruction from some of the best grapplers in the world, visiting Brazil, Japan, USA and Canada. He has an active interest in the reality and psychological aspects of confrontation, as such he is a registered Level 1 Instructor of the ‘Real Combat System’ under the British Combat Association, having sought instruction from Geoff Thompson and Matthew Evans. Nisar is a deeply passionate and active teacher with over twenty years’ experience, instructing all levels, from professional MMA fighters to young children. He is the author of Prophetic Grappling, a recent publication of the history of grappling in the Islamic tradition and the Objectives of Sports in Islam. He also currently serves as Muslim Chaplain at Royal Holloway University in London.
Ustadh Nisar Shaikh


Amer Nazri | Animation Director


❝ The classes at Lote Tree are wholesome as it is inspiring, and whether it is fiqh, seerah or tasawwuf, you leave the sessions nourished spritually and intellectually, and eager to learn more. ❞

Kamran Ahmed | Finance Director


❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team. ❞


  • How long is this course?

    This course is based on 5 lessons (1 hour each).

  • What do I need to access this course?

    All you need is a reliable internet connection and access to a personal computer, tablet or phone – our online courses are responsive and designed to work across all platforms. We also recommend that you study the courses somewhere quiet so that you can concentrate and get the most out of the rich, helpful information they contain.

  • Do I require additional resources?

    No. Various course material will be shared during the course.

  • Will there be recording available if I miss a class?

    Yes. Recordings of each lesson will be posted within a day. All recordings will remain accessible for the academic year.

  • Why is there a £10 admin fee?

    We're able to offer our courses free of charge (rather than pay £££) as they are largely funded through sponsors and student donations. The inclusion of the small nominal admin fee helps us to counter bots and spam. We do however encourage students to support our cause by becoming a monthly supporter: (UK) (Non-UK)

  • Will I get a qualification or ijazah?

    If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

  • I'm not in the UK, does that matter?

    No, absolutely not – in fact that’s one of the main reasons we developed our online courses, so that more people from around the world could benefit from our training.

  • I'm having trouble logging in, what can I do?

    If you are having problems logging in, it may be that you need to delete your browser cookies and/or empty your cache. If you’re still having trouble after having done that, then please contact us.

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