Course Overview

  • Synopsis

    This course (with Qs & As) will provide the students the ability to learn about Allāh and His attributes, destiny, freewill, Prophets attributes, angels, jinns, death and the day of judgement etc.

  • Aims

    This course will aim to provide students a comprehensive understanding on matters relating to Islamic Theology and Sunni creed.

  • Entry Requirements

    This course is intended for students of all ages and levels, and have the ability to understand the role of classical texts.

Course Structure

Study Mode Online
Course Duration 17 Lessons
Cost Free 
Instructor Shaykh Haroon Hanif
Textbook Jawharat al-Tawhid (PDF)

This one year course (17 recorded lessons) with Qs & As will provide a unique opportunity to study this traditional text composed by Imam Ibrahim al-Laqani al-Maliki (1041 H).

This course will aim to provide students a comprehensive understanding on matters relating to Islamic Theology and Sunni creed.

Imam Burhanu Din Ibrahim al-Laqani was a mufti of Maliki law, a scholar of Hadith, a scholar of theology and author of one of the most popular didactic poems on Ash'ari theology (Jawharat at-Tawhid ) which became the subject of numerous commentaries and glossaries.

Al-Laqani studied under notable Hanafi , Maliki and Shafi'i scholars, but only issued fatwas in the Maliki school. He was also a professor at al-Azhar university of Cairo and wrote on many subjects including Hadith and Arabic grammar.

You can access the PDF here.

About the Text

Jawhara al-Tawhīd

 Jawharat al-Tawhid, translated as The Gem of Islamic Theology, is one of the approved and accredited texts of the Sunni Creed in the Ashari school. 

Written as a poem to facilitate memorising it and to make it more enjoyable and appealing for young students. 

This was a method widely used to teach and convey knowledge in the past and is still used in some schools till today.

It was composed by Imam Ibrahim al-Laqani al-Maliki (1041 H) upon a gesture from his mentor. 

Due to its high value and wide acceptance, many commentaries were written to elaborate and explain the meanings it had within.

Learning Outcomes

Learn traditional Islamic knowledge in a thorough, practical and transforming way

  • Understand Islamic theology and the Sunni creed

  • Appreciate the rigor of the Aqidah text

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the tenets of our faith

Course Fees

Our courses are free!

(Minimum £10 to cover admin fees)

Join our mission to keep them free and become a means for sacred knowledge to be readily accessible, professionally delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community - globally!  

Become a supporter by donating as little as £10pm - together we can make it happen inshā'aAllāh.

  • £10.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £20 monthly

  • £15.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £15 monthly

  • £20.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £20 monthly

  • £10.00

    FREE (Pay Admin Fee Only)


Shaykh Haroon Hanif

Senior Instructor

Ustādh Haroon Hanif has been blessed due to the fact that ever since leaving school he has been involved in some form of Islamic activity. However in the early 1990s, along with other brothers from Liverpool, he began to actively pursue the path of seeking Sacred knowledge. He travelled in 1995 to IESH, France to study Arabic Language for 1 year through which he attained proficiency in spoken Arabic. He returned to Liverpool where he began to study with the local scholar, Shaykh Siraj Islam Chowdhury for a period of 11 years in which he studied with him various Islamic sciences, primarily focusing upon Islamic Law. Whilst studying, he worked as a Housing Officer, and also engaged in teaching whatever he had studied. He completed memorisation of Qur’ān over six years ago. Ever since then he has been blessed to lead Tarawih prayer every year. He also delivered Friday khutbas regularly at the Liverpool Islamic Society over a period of a few years. He was then blessed, particularly after been inspired by meeting Shaykh Samir Nass from Damascus, in 2007 to travel to the blessed land of Syria. Whilst he was there, he continued his studies by accessing some of the great scholars in Damascus, Syria, through private and public classes. In this final year, he studied at one of the madrassas in Damascus, whilst at the same time completed his reading of the Qur’ān to attain Ijaza. As of present, he is a Teacher in Residence at the Greensville Trust, where he regularly teaches on the Micro Madrasa initiative in both Liverpool and Huddersfield and teaches at Lote Tree College.
Shaykh Haroon Hanif


Amer Nazri | Animation Director


❝ The classes at Lote Tree are wholesome as it is inspiring, and whether it is fiqh, seerah or tasawwuf, you leave the sessions nourished spritually and intellectually, and eager to learn more. ❞

Kamran Ahmed | Finance Director


❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team. ❞


  • How long is this course?

    This course is based on 17 lessons. Each lesson is approximately 1 hour long.

  • What do I need to access this course?

    All you need is a reliable internet connection and access to a personal computer, tablet or phone – our online courses are responsive and designed to work across all platforms. We also recommend that you study the courses somewhere quiet so that you can concentrate and get the most out of the rich, helpful information they contain.

  • Do I require additional resources?

    You may want to purchase the textbook in order to follow the Arabic.

  • Will I get a qualification or ijazah?

    If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

  • I'm not in the UK, does that matter?

    No, absolutely not – in fact that’s one of the main reasons we developed our online courses, so that more people from around the world could benefit from our training.

  • I'm having trouble logging in, what can I do?

    If you are having problems logging in, it may be that you need to delete your browser cookies and/or empty your cache. If you’re still having trouble after having done that, then please contact us.