Course Overview

  • Synopsis

    This course is a must-attend for those wanting to equip themselves with the right tools and information to build and enjoy a happier, healthier marriage. We will explore some important aspects concerning the laws (fiqh), examine the spirit (ruh), and the day-to-day practical issues faced by married couples.

  • Aims

    You will read through 40 Prophetic Hadiths and learn important lessons derived from them. The course will cover everything from the objectives of marriage and selecting a suitable spouse to living a marital relationship and resolving issues that all married couples face.

  • Entry Requirements

    This course is intended for those that are looking for a spouse or already married and want to enjoy a happier and healthier marriage.

Course Structure

Study Mode Online
Course Duration 13 Lessons
Start Date 11 September 2023
End Date 11 December 2023


12:00 - 13:00 | Calgary

14:00 - 15:00 | New York

19:00 - 20:00 | London*

22:00 - 23:00 | Dubai

23:30 - 00:30 | Mumbai

02:00 - 03:00 | Singapore

*Please note GMT Daylight Saving Time ends: October 29, 2023 01:00 GMT so clocks will move back by 1 hour.

Cost Free 
Instructor Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al--Kawthari
Textbook Course notes will be shared online

All lesson recordings available on-demand!

Topics Covered

Lesson 1 Introduction & Hadiths 1 & 2
Encouragement to marry
Lesson 2 Hadiths 3, 4 & 5
Virtues, significance and objectives of marriage
Lesson 3 Hadiths 6, 7 & 8
Selecting a suitable spouse
Lesson 4 Hadiths 9, 10 & 11
Qualities of a spouse
Lesson 5 Hadiths 12, 13 & 14
Qualities of a spouse
Lesson 6
Hadiths 15, 16, 17 & 18
Looking at a prospective spouse and guardian approval
Lesson 7
Hadiths 19, 20 & 21
Forced, arranged and time-limited marriages
Lesson 8
Hadiths 22, 23 & 24
Proposing marriage and prenuptials
Lesson 9
Hadiths 25, 26 & 27
Marriage ceremony & dowry
Lesson 10
Hadiths 28, 29, 30 & 31
The wedding feast/walima
Lesson 11
Hadiths 32, 33 & 34
Rights of the spouses
Lesson 12
Hadiths 35, 36  & 37
Rights of the spouses
Lesson 13
Hadiths 38, 39 & 40
Rights and polygamy

About the Text

Al-Arba'īn – Elucidation of Forty Hadīths on Marriage


In this collection of 40 ĥadīths, the author addresses a subject that affects most people – if not all: marriage. He deals with questions on the purpose and significance of marriage, and tackles more controversial areas including forced marriage, marrying without the permission of one’s parents, and domestic violence.

The ĥadīths are supplemented by a generous commentary which goes beyond a simple explanation of the wording of the ĥadīth to include discussions on how the ĥadīth is to be operationalised, or put into practice, and what implication it has on marital life.

For this course, we will share course notes online. However, if students would like to purchase a physical of the text, they can do this here.

Learning Outcomes

Learn traditional Islamic knowledge in a thorough, practical and transforming way

  • Gain a deeper understanding of marriage in Islām

  • Gain a better idea of what the best of creation (Allāh bless him & give him peace) taught about the spirit of marriage

  • Prepare yourself with your duties and responsibilities as a husband or wife, and understand the rights that your spouse should be fulfilling

  • Understand how to please Allāh Most High through the beautiful relationship of marriage

  • Develop a stronger relationship with those around you and work on applying the hadith learned in your daily life

Course Fees

Our courses are free!

(Minimum £10 to cover admin fees)

Join our mission to keep them free and become a means for sacred knowledge to be readily accessible, professionally delivered (by qualified scholars) for the Muslim community - globally!  

Become a supporter by donating as little as £10pm - together we can make it happen inshā'aAllāh.

  • £10.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £10 monthly

  • £15.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £15 monthly

  • £20.00 / month

    Enrol and donate £20 monthly

  • £10.00

    FREE (Pay Admin Fee Only)


Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari

Senior Instructor

Shaykh Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari is a traditionally-trained Islamic scholar who has studied the Arabic language and various other traditional Islamic sciences including Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir), Hadith and Fiqh in different parts of the world including the UK, Pakistan and Syria. His Shuyukh/teachers include his father, Shaykh Mawlana Adam, Shaykh Yusuf Motala, Shaykh Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Halabi and others. He has received authorizations (ijazahs) in various Islamic disciplines including the six major collections of Hadith and the science of issuing religious verdicts (Fatwa). His authored works include: Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations, Elucidation of Forty Hadiths on Marriage, Birth Control & Abortion in Islam, The Issue of Shares and Simplified Rules of Zakat, and is widely known for providing answers to people’s everyday issues and comprehensive fiqh related articles; which can be found at his website The Shaykh has taught many courses and lectured extensively on a range of topics, and continues to travel regularly teaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad. Presently, he resides in Leicester, UK. He is a teacher of various traditional Islamic sciences, and Director and researcher at the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari


Amer Nazri | Animation Director


❝ The classes at Lote Tree are wholesome as it is inspiring, and whether it is fiqh, seerah or tasawwuf, you leave the sessions nourished spritually and intellectually, and eager to learn more. ❞

Kamran Ahmed | Finance Director


❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team. ❞


  • How long is this course?

    This course is based on 13 lessons (1 hour each).

  • What do I need to access this course?

    All you need is a reliable internet connection and access to a personal computer, tablet or phone – our online courses are responsive and designed to work across all platforms. We also recommend that you study the courses somewhere quiet so that you can concentrate and get the most out of the rich, helpful information they contain.

  • Do I require additional resources?

    No. Various course material will be shared during the course.

  • Will there be recording available if I miss a class?

    Yes. Recordings of each lesson will be posted within a day. All recordings will remain accessible for the academic year.

  • Will I get a qualification or ijazah?

    If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

  • I'm not in the UK, does that matter?

    No, absolutely not – in fact that’s one of the main reasons we developed our online courses, so that more people from around the world could benefit from our training.

  • I'm having trouble logging in, what can I do?

    If you are having problems logging in, it may be that you need to delete your browser cookies and/or empty your cache. If you’re still having trouble after having done that, then please contact us.

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